Friday, 1 July 2016

Liverpool Oktoberfest defies the calendar

The Liverpool Oktoberfest will return this year at a new venue: it will be the Pier Head rather than Exchange Flags where it was held last year. The website states that the Pier Head is in the middle on the city; I'd agree it's close to the city centre, but it is strictly speaking on the edge of the city, seeing that the Mersey is the boundary with Wirral. The website says there will German beer, food and music. Sadly, the music will not be the Scorpions, or even Kraftwerk, but Schlager music.

The Oktoberfest runs from 22 to 25 September (sic). They urge you: "Don’t forget to check our Lederhosen Shop and come dressed like a real Bavarian!" Oh dear! I'm sure sure there will some drying paint that will need watching, but if it's your thing, have fun.


  1. You do know that the actual Munich Oktoberfest is mostly in September? ;-)

  2. True, but it always ends in October.


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