Thursday, 16 April 2009

Vernon reopens

My roving reporter Steve has sent me a text to say that the famous Vernon pub in Dale Street, Liverpool, has reopened with 6 handpumps after a long closure. There were five beers on offer when he visited: Adnams, Brains Rev. James, Skinners Cornish Knocker, Baltic Fleet Wapping and Baltic Fleet stout. His verdict: well worth a visit. It's about 5 minutes walk from Moorfields Station.


  1. The first pub I ever went to in Liverpool. It was sad to see it close. I walked past it two and a half weeks ago and it didn't look like reopening was imminent, but I'm obviously wrong. Nice that Wapping beers feature too.

  2. I agree and I'm glad they haven't gone for the obvious, such as Deuchars, Theakstons, etc. I hope to get there soon.

  3. Good news RedNev. We are overdue a Liverpool crawl I reckon.

  4. Hurrah! Good news indeed. Let's hope it's well supported. Fond memories of that sloping floor, which I hope is still there, akin to that of 'The Globe' - another one of RedNev's faves.
    A favourite bolt-hole for me when I worked in Dale Street, and Bankers could still walk the streets without being subject to verbal abuse!

  5. Good news indeed. I knew this was reopening and, like you, am glad they've avoided going for the usual suspects.

  6. THis is fantastiic news! I just hope that they haven't lost the old atmosphere of political skull duggery. It was dripping from the walls

  7. TM - and anyone else - I'm always up for a Liverpool pub crawl.


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