Monday, 19 July 2010

Real ale drinkers are role models

There I was, just thinking I simply enjoyed my real ale, when I come across an article from the Independent posted on Facebook stating that Britain's beer drinkers can serve as role models for the nation as it struggles to emerge from recession. An academic study by Nottingham University Business School came up with the findings after examining the history of brewing in England. They believe the industry's rebirth in the wake of the Campaign for Real Ale's founding in 1971 has implications for much of the UK economy. The full article is here.

So, I now know what they mean be drinking responsibly: as a role model, I have a position to maintain and duties to fulfil. I must take these responsibilities more seriously in future. Perhaps the Government will reduce beer tax to enable more citizens to become role models?


  1. Or you could just drink less? (-;

  2. Goodness knows how your average Scottish person stands on the responsibility rating encouraging the production of Tennants lager. I with my modest drinking habits feel unable to turn the tide towards something better. Thank goodness I spend more time down in Wilts where I can usefully contribute to the economy with the occasional jar of Arkells 3B or nice little financial investment by Wadsworth.


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