Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Ease Olympic stress with a beer ~ official

We all know that London is going to be bulging at the seams during the Olympic Games next year, and that the capital's elderly transport systems that are already operating near capacity will face a challenge (we're not allowed to use negative words like 'problem' anymore).  Transport for London Commissioner Peter Hendy recently briefed London Assembly officials on the capital's readiness for the Olympics and he had several ideas for coping with the conflicting demands of the Games and the rush hour.  As well as some worthy-but-dull advice, such as working from home, staggering working hours, use your bike, telephone conferencing, etc, he also suggested:  "On one or two of the days [London Bridge] will be very, very crowded and the best thing to do ... is to have a beer before you go home."

I suppose that's one way of staggering your journeys.

The full BBC news item is here.


  1. That's going to work, everyone having a piss on the tube on their way home afterwards.

  2. I must be an Olympic pioneer! That's exactly what I have been doing for years..........

  3. Anon: are Londoners notoriously weak bladdered? I often drink in Liverpool, and with a 45-minute train ride home, it's usually well over an hour between leaving the pub and reaching my house. I manage after a whole evening's drinking, not just a pint or two. Or are we Northerners made of sterner stuff?

    Dave: gold medallist, I'd say.


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